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Konferencja Stacjonarnie

51st International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors "Jaszowiec 2023"

17-06-2023 - 23-06-2023
HOTEL KLIMCZOK ul. Poziomkowa 20 43-370 Szczyrk-Bila
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The "Jaszowiec" Conference is an annual meeting of the semiconductor physics community in Poland, with an over 50 years long tradition. The Conference is preceded by a 2-days tutorial session (School), addressed mainly to graduate students and young scientists. In course of the years the Conference became international and well recognized in the world of semiconductor physics community. The number of participants of the School and Conference has been growing over the years and has recently started to reach approx. 250, from over a dozen countries, making “Jaszowiec” the largest conference on semiconductor physics held in the Central Europe. The name of the Conference, Jaszowiec, comes from the town and valley in the mountains of Silesian Beskid, where the conference has been organized from the very beginning.

The conference covers the most up-to-date and relevant scientific problems, classified as belonging to the semiconductor physics in a very broad sense, involving almost all research fields in the semiconductor physics, including technology, experiment, theory, and modeling. The high scientific quality is maintained thanks to the effort of world-class scientists from the Advisory Committee that consists of 11 experts from leading centers for the physics of semiconductors in Europe, North America and Japan. The Program Committee members come from Polish co-organizing institutions.

In 2023, the School (June 17-18) and the Conference (June 19-23) are to be held in person. The daily time schedule, with the afternoons free of lectures, provides many opportunities for less formal discussions and building future co-operations.

Co-organizing institutions:

  • Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (Institute of Experimental Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics)
  • Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology
  • Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics


  • Od 17-06-2023 do 23-06-2023
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