Ułatwienia dostępu

Welcome Centre

The Welcome Center was established as part of the "Welcome to Poland" project financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange. The Centre provides help for foreign Doctoral Students and Employees of the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. 

An employee of the Welcome Centre, Anna Senchenko, is the person who helps in solving the above-mentioned problems. At a person’s request, Anna may be able to accompany the person when dealing with official matters.

The Welcome Centre also organizes integration excursions for foreign PhD Students and Employees of the Institute of Physics. During such integration trips, people have the opportunity to visit interesting places in Poland and get to know each other.

The Welcome Centre is located in building II, room 6
Open Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  • +48 22 116 21 08
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Note! Polish is the official language hence generally all official forms and applications submitted to government offices must be filled in the Polish language.

The Welcome Centre provides information/help in the following matters:

  • assistance in registering your current address of residence and obtaining a PESEL number
  • assistance in finding accommodation after coming to Poland
  • assistance in opening a bank account
  • assistance in creating an online Trusted Profile (Profil Zaufany, in Polish language)
  • assistance in legalization of stay for foreigners
  • assistance in booking an appointment with a doctor and if necessary accompanying during a visit to a specialist
  • assistance in finding a school or preschool for children
  • translations from the Polish to the English language during visits to different government offices
  • providing information about everyday life in Poland

News Welcome Centre

Integration trips and events as part of the NAWA Welcome to Poland project

One-day trip to Nieborów and Żelazowa Wola

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, another interaction trip took place. This time the participants of the trip visited Nieborów and Żelazowa Wola. Walking along the paths of the charming park in Niebor...

One-day trip to Toruń

A trip to the city of Copernicus could not be missing. During the one-day trip on September 17, 2022, participants had the opportunity to visit Toruń. An interesting place to visit was the Planetar...

Visit to the Warsaw Uprising Museum

On August 2, 2021, the first group trip took place.  It is important to share knowledge about the history of Poland, especially Warsaw, which is now home to Doctoral Students and Employees of...
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